
8th Grade Commencement celebration cupcakes

blue and yellow 8th grade graduation cupcakes

Last year we gave away a gift certificate for custom cupcakes over on Scottsdale Moms Blog and the winner used the gift certificate to order cupcakes for her son's 8th grade commencement celebration this week. He's a future Sandra Day O'Conner High School student so we did everything in the school colors, blue and yellow. Cupcakes were topped with "congratulations", A+, stars, 2015, SDOHS, golf ball, music notes, drum and math symbols - all things to represent his academic successes, interests and future high school days.

We previously made a cake for this family - their dad's 40th birthday, a personalized tequilla bottle cake:

tequilla bottle

customer feedback:
again so much for the cupcakes that you did for C's 8th grade commencement celebration. They were perfect in every way. Everyone was impressed with how each one of them reflected C's interests in some way or referenced his future at SDOH! You are so creative and talented. B.L.