
Calfiornia Cake Camp 2009 - Las Vegas, NV

We had a great weekend in Las Vegas for Cake Camp. What is Cake Camp? Its hosted by the California Cake Club and its 3 days of classes taught by instructors who travel from all over for this great event. There's also a vendor area so its always a great way to stock up on some of the latest new cake gadgets. Its inspriing to spend 3 days with other bakery owners, cake decorators and hobbyists. Even though its hosted by the California Cake Club, the last 3 camps have been held in Las Vegas, NV at the Riviera Hotel and Casino. This was my 4th year attending camp.

California Cake Camp 2009 - La Vegas, NV

I took many great classes from some great instructors many of whom you may recognize from cake challenges on Food Network and TLC including Colette Peters, Marina Sousa, Norman Davis, Zane Berg, Becky Rink and Susan Carberry.

Vegas is such a unique town - I ventured out of the casino during a break to get a soda - where do you think I am???

What Restaurant in Vegas is this?

Its McDonalds - only in Vegas. It was huge, very different from your typical shop, and they had free wi-fi.


I took a little side trip off the strip to visit a local Las Vegas manufacturer of amazing sugar craft supplies - Chef Rubber. They create molds, supplies, and ingredients to many of the top sugar and chocolate artists. Their shop is amazing - shelves and shelves of amazing colors, dusts, pearls, molds, cutters and so much more. I brought back some dragees, pearl and disco dusts and a variety of airbrush colors - can't wait to get in the shop to play with these!




The drive back to Phoenix always takes longer because of the traffic jam through Hoover Dam on a weekend. It looks like they're building a bridge to go over the dam to help with traffic - hopefully this will be completed before my next drive to Las Vegas in 2011!

Hoover Dam Traffic

We're back in Phoenix and very busy with baby showers and other celebrations. We're also getting ready for a great October with Halloween treats and some special pink ribbon treats to raise money for Komen for the Cure.